Thursday, 23 April 2015

Happy St George's Day! Love from Reception

We have had such a fantastic day celebrating St George's Day! Everyone looked super dressed in red and white. We walked into class this morning to find dragon footprints leading to our pirate cave and the treasure chest! It was a bit scary, but the we heard the story about brave St George and how he killed the last dragon (phew!).

We had great thought the story was so good that many of us chose to re-tell it in different ways and have dragons in our role play.

One child chose to paint a flag with George's red cross on.

Adam drew a picture of a dragon breathing fire and wrote the word dragon by sounding it out himself!

Mia made the story characters using play dough- the green dragon, the king (who later got a crown made), red George and the princess with yellow hair.

Some children chose to make Happy St George's day cards

We all made shields with the lovely Miss Carpenter and decorated them in glitter. We can't wait for them to be dry tomorrow so we can play with them!

We all loved eating our lunch outside accompanied by patriotic music!

And finally, we loved playing outside this afternoon. Children helped draw and colour in a shield for George and a dragon. Shay said this was a good dragon and that dragons can actually be quite helpful, you know! They can light bonfires and cook your burgers so they are ready straight away without you having to wait!! (Sold!)

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Happy Mother's Day

We spent all week making our special mother's day paintings. We were very excited to do some special 'magical' painting for the background. All you need is a white crayon and some watered down paint and you can reveal your invisible drawings!

Than we made hand-prints with grey paint, trying to make out thumb stick out a bit so the elephant's trunk could meet with the mummy elephant.

We wrote our name on the back in our neatest writing for our special Mummies. We are so blessed!

We thought about what our mummies do for us. They do our hair nicely, cook beautiful dinners, give us cuddles, make us laugh, love and look after us, even when they feel poorly and tired, and so much more! Every day is a day to say thank you, but especially Mother's Day!

What other animals could you make using hand painting?

Be funny for money!

We had a great time last Friday dressing up 'silly' for Red Nose Day.

We did a sponsored fun run in the hall and had a great time being silly and cheering each other on!

Well done to our four silly winners of their wacky  races!

What a great way to raise money for people who haven't got as much as we have! We have so much to be thankful for!

Is it fair or unfair..?

Last week we started to think about halves, but in a way that the children could relate to! So, we looked at football teams and said whether the sides were fair or unfair. The children decided we needed to count each side's players to check they both had the same amount!

We then had team captains who we shared some monkeys out between. When we were happy that the teams were fair, we could cheer for each side!

They both have 2 monkeys each! That's the same! So half of 4 is 2.

Uh oh! That's not fair! She has 4 and he only has 2! It wasn't shared equally.

Yay! They both have 3 monkeys! Half of 6 is 3.

I made a cake and kindly cut it in half so I could share it with Mrs Curnow! Yummy!

We also went outside to do some races. Mrs Curnow needed some help getting the teams right though. It's a tricky business, but everyone helped by counting each team and making sure the sides were both the same and that the teams were fair. Half of 14 is... can you work it out?

Monday, 9 March 2015

I am good at...

We looked at photos from our time in Reception so far and said what was happening in the pictures and what the person in each one was showing they are good at. We are good at singing, dancing, reading, numbers, being kind, making people laugh, painting, building, laughing and so much more!

We then thought of something we feel we are really good at and drew a picture of ourselves doing that.

What do you think you are good at? Reception think we could help each other get better at things and encourage one another with kind words!

Where I belong

Having thought about where animals in the jungle live and why, we talked about what our homes are I like and who we live with. We drew a picture of our house and the people we live with. Some children listened to the sounds in words and wrote labels for their pictures.

We are so glad we have a place we can call 'home'; a place where we belong.

Thursday, 26 February 2015

Happy Valentine's Day!

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I think you're canny
Wey aye, pet, it's true!

So, we had a think about what happens on February 14th and what Valentine's Day is. Some responses were - 'It's when you tell someone you love them', 'You give people cards and something nice' and 'You could draw a picture for someone you love'.

We then talked about someone we love, why we love them and what we could do to show them we love them. Children decided that saying something kind, asking them to play with you, giving them a hug or simply telling them you love them are all good ideas. 

We stuck tissue paper to both sides of two heart shapes and said whose name we wanted written on the heart - Mam, Dad, brothers, sisters, cousins, grandparents. Each child then said why they love that person. We are so blessed with people who love us - people who make delicious food for us, give amazing hugs, make us laugh, give us Saturday morning cuddles in bed, play with us and help us! The hearts then joined together to form a hanging decoration.

Jungle Explorers!

We made binoculars out of toilet and kitchen roll tubes so we could explore the jungle! We recalled all the different animals we have learnt about over the last few weeks and played a game with a talking partner where we took it in turns to describe an animal for our partner to guess.

Then we used our fantastic writing skills from phonics to write some clues for our chosen animal.


Thursday, 12 February 2015

Baby Harry's Day In School!

Mrs Hutchinson was in school today with her beautiful baby!

It was lovely to see her and baby Harry! Mr Noble kept him entertained while Mrs Hutchinson caught up on the latest news in school!

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

We Love Phonics!

Reception are getting better all the time with their sounds and can now say them at speed each session. We have been focussing the last few weeks on listening for sounds in words and blending sounds together to help us with our reading.

We have played the 'Please, Mr Crocodile' game, only being allowed to cross the river if we have the object sounded out by 'Mr Croc'! You could play a variation of this game at home by finding objects with simple sounds (s-o-ck, c-u-p, p-e-n, f-e-l-t, b-r-u-sh) and sounding them out. (You'll find yourself walking round the house sounding out all the objects you see in no time, and be amazed at how many objects you can find for this simple game!)

We have also been writing the simple sounds on picture sound cards, practising our letter formation too. We did this in a phonics session, and then many children chose to continue this activity in the writing corner during planning time.

Finally, we've been enjoying playing some of those online phonics games that were sent out in the phonics pack to parents. For this one, we have to say the sounds in the word and blend them together to know which picture to click on. This has been really popular in planning time, and children are becoming more confident with blending sounds, helping each other too. Soon, we'll be able to recognise words by sight as we see them more often!