Thursday, 23 April 2015

Happy St George's Day! Love from Reception

We have had such a fantastic day celebrating St George's Day! Everyone looked super dressed in red and white. We walked into class this morning to find dragon footprints leading to our pirate cave and the treasure chest! It was a bit scary, but the we heard the story about brave St George and how he killed the last dragon (phew!).

We had great thought the story was so good that many of us chose to re-tell it in different ways and have dragons in our role play.

One child chose to paint a flag with George's red cross on.

Adam drew a picture of a dragon breathing fire and wrote the word dragon by sounding it out himself!

Mia made the story characters using play dough- the green dragon, the king (who later got a crown made), red George and the princess with yellow hair.

Some children chose to make Happy St George's day cards

We all made shields with the lovely Miss Carpenter and decorated them in glitter. We can't wait for them to be dry tomorrow so we can play with them!

We all loved eating our lunch outside accompanied by patriotic music!

And finally, we loved playing outside this afternoon. Children helped draw and colour in a shield for George and a dragon. Shay said this was a good dragon and that dragons can actually be quite helpful, you know! They can light bonfires and cook your burgers so they are ready straight away without you having to wait!! (Sold!)